Monday, November 25, 2019

10-Year Challenge | Family Goals and Financial Plans

The 10-year challenge is circulating on Facebook again. You know the one. You post a picture from ten years ago, in your infancy stages of having a Facebook account and share a recent photo next to it so that you can show your “glow up”.
It’s funny how filters have definitely changed the quality of photos, isn’t it? It used to be ‘what you see is what you get’, but with Snapchat and Instagram filters, you can easily mask over your true self. 
You can’t really do that with finances, though. You might be able to hide your financial situation from friends and family, your church, and the rest of the world.
But inside your four walls, you and your spouse know exactly what’s going on. You and your spouse know that your financial goals haven’t exactly come to fruition. But it’s never too late to set goals for your family.10-Year Challenge | Family Goals and Financial Plans